Tuesday, July 12, 2011


My mission for this blog is to see how different genres and styles of music fit into our lives. Simply put, our ears need food, and music is what feeds the ears. Party mode on? Party music on. It's raining today, so which kind of music will today be? For me and, at least in my opinion, my generation, music is becoming part of how you feel and live your life. The music you listen to says a lot about your character and lifestyle. As your moods change throughout the course of a day, week, or year, your music taste often changes accordingly, and rightly so. Continuing the food analogy, many times, it is the food we grew up on that we love the most. There are people who enjoy trying out new restaurants, and there are people who have their favorites places or dishes and stick with those for all of their life.
     Here's an example of what I mean when I say that the music must fit the situation. In February, I went to Maine for a weekend with a big group of people to go snowboarding. The first night, dubstep was blaring. Cool. The following morning (at 8:00, so you know), dubstep commenced blaring again as we got ready to board. After boarding, we came back, and dubstep rocked my ears again until very late that night. That was the general trend of the weekend. Now I'm a fan of dubstep...in the right circumstances. At 8 in the morning after only 3 hours of sleep IS NOT one of those circumstances!!! I'm not saying everyone should follow my philosophy of music having to fit the situation, but I adhere to that way of thought. If I'm sad, I listen to sad music. If I'm happy, I listen to happy music. Get it?

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